About her...

Juliette Plamondon is the founder of eMarketing 4u.

She has a bachelor’s degree in business marketing and has been an administrator advisor in the public sector for the last 20 years.

After a significant life change, she moved adventurously across the country for a year in the Canadian Rockies,  pursuing personal growth, rebuilding her strength, and being aware of the opportunity life brought her way. Never did she think that one day she would start her own business.

She thrives on sharing the best marketing tools for all new businesspeople wanting to start a successful online business and create a flourishing future for themselves.

Juliette is courageous, resourceful, and persistent. She believes we all have an entrepreneurial side hidden inside us. If she can do it, so can YOU! You would be amazed to learn who you are and what you can accomplish when you put your MIND to it.

She is also a proud, caring, and thoughtful mother of a fantastic son, now focusing on her career and realizing her wildest dreams. She loves traveling, skiing, nature, paddling boarding, hiking, karate, healthy food, and creating amazing connections.

My Latest Posts

Email Marketing

Anatomy Of A High-Converting Email.

Website Hosting

How Much Should You Be Paying?

DIY Website Builder

Choosing The Best Website Builder.


Hire The Best Freelancers.

All-in-1 Sales Automation

Benefits You Need To Know.

Sales Funnels

Are They Still Worth It?

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130-5645 Grande Allee St. Suite 205
Quebec Canada J4Z3G3